SHARS Survey Clarification Tips

Heidi BickhamIndustry News, Medicaid, Uncategorized

SHARS Survey:

This one-question survey is required for ALL districts that received IDEA-B grant funding in the 2023-2024 school year, regardless of whether they received SHARS reimbursements. The survey must be completed by a district employee. Please complete the SHARS Reimbursement Survey by November 1, 2023. For help completing the survey, refer to the SHARS Reimbursement Survey Instructions.

  • Option 1: If the district did not participate in SHARS during the 2023-2024 school year,  option 1 is your choice.
  • Option 2: If your district’s SHARS reimbursements are deposited into a General Fund choose option 2 as your choice.
  • Option 3: If your district’s SHARS reimbursements are deposited directly back into Special Education option 3 applies.  This option will impact your MOE calculation.  If the reimbursement is expended on special education services, that expenditure must be excluded from the calculation of state/local expenditures for purposes of calculating maintenance of effort (MOE) (34 CFR 300.154(g)(2)).

If option 3 applies to your LEA, you must then also report the total amount of your subsequent state and local expenditures for special education services derived from SHARS reimbursements. Note: All amounts reported must include the amount expended by your LEA, and if you participated in a Shared Services Arrangement (SSA), the total must also include the amount the fiscal agent expended on behalf of your LEA. After submitting this required survey, you will be able to download a PDF copy of your survey responses, and you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

If you need further assistance, please contact the TEA Federal Compliance team at