COF Statement Dates Explained
The SHARS handbook has new language with regards to Certification of Funds (COF). The content included below can be found on page 39.
SHARS providers are required to certify on a quarterly basis the amount reimbursed during the previous federal fiscal quarter. TMHP Provider Enrollment mails a quarterly Certification of Funs (COF) statement to districts participating in SHARS after the end of each quarter of the FFY. The purpose of the statement is to verify that they LEA incurred cost on the dates of service that were funded from state or local funds in an amount equal to, or greater than, the combined total of its interim rates times the paid units of service. While the payments were received the previous FFY, the actual dates of service could have been many months prior. Therefore, the certification of pubic expenditures is for the dates of the FFY quarter an not the dates of service paid within the quarter.
For more information on the Certification of Funds process we encourage you to reach out to your ONWARD Account Manager or our Finance Team for more information.